What Are The Best Allergic Rhinitis Homoeopathic Remedies?

Winters are over, bringing us the joyful spring. Springtime when the world blooms into a riot of colors, music of the chirping birds of many varieties and the perfect weather to enjoy this beautiful gift from nature. You step out to breathe in the fresh, invigorating spring air and are suddenly assailed with non-stop sneezing or an itchy throat with coughing!

Many of us have reactions to different elements in the environment around us, unbeknownst to the exact cause and the proper remedy. In lay person’s language, Allergic Rhinitis means an uncommon cold caused in response to an allergic reaction. The cause for the reaction could be dust–mites, smoke, and pollution, the pollen in the air during the seasonal change, mould, animal dander, chemicals, and certain foods. These are known as allergens, and if there is a family history of allergies, you are more likely to be allergic to the same allergens.

Allergic Rhinitis Homeopathic Medicine

We all are aware of natural remedies being the safest and healthiest for us, as they are more in tune with the internal system of the human body. Homeopathy is perhaps one of the oldest streams of medicine known to humankind, and remedies are procured from the minerals and plants provided by nature. Allergic Rhinitis Homeopathic Medicine is one of the most effective natural cures for allergies. There are multiple Anti-Allergic Medicines In Homeopathy for uncommon cold and coughs caused due to allergies.

Allergic Rhinitis Homeopathic Remedies

Allergic Rhinitis is Basically of Two Types:

  • Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis – When you are allergic to allergens like pollen during seasonal changes.
  • Perennial Allergic Rhinitis – When you are allergic to the omnipresent allergens in the air like smoke, dust, etc., causing the allergic symptoms to assail you through the year.

Uncommon cold or Allergic Rhinitis is often confused with being common cold, that is, a viral infection, as the symptoms are the same in both cases. An allergic cold will last till the allergens are in the air, or you are in contact with the atmosphere carrying the allergens. At the same time, a viral cold can be cured in a limited period, as soon as the body is free of the virus. Moreover, allergies can aggravate other issues like asthma, ear problems, sleep disorders, and sinus.

Differentiating a common cold from an uncommon cold is essential for beginning the proper remedy. Although the symptoms are the same in both conditions, there are a few distinct differences.

Symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis:

  • Mucus is clear and watery
  • No fever or body-ache
  • Excessive sneezing
  • Watery eyes

Add to this the symptoms that might develop later after a prolonged allergic attack, like puffy eyelids, stuffed nose, headache, sore throat, decreased sense of smell, itchy eyes/nose/throat, air popping in the ears, hives, dark circles under the eyes due to the excessive fatigue and lack of sleep.

Symptoms of the Common Cold:

  • Mucus is yellow/green and thicker
  • Fever with body-ache
  • Infrequent sneezes
  • No watery eyes

The best thing about homeopathy is that myriad remedies address the most sublime nuances and changes in the body due to an illness. The medicines help relieve the symptoms and cure the root cause of the illness while fortifying the immune system. 

Here Are A Few Remedies For Allergic Rhinitis With The Best Homeopathic Medicine.

  1. Sulfur: Itchy and red eyes with a burning sensation, a feeling of congestion in the chest, and possible rashes on the skin. Sulfur would be beneficial if you have these symptoms.
  2. Arsenic Alb: To be prescribed when you have watery runny mucus from the nose, excessive sneezing with a stuffed nose, and burning and watery eyes causing puffiness and difficulty breathing.
  3. Allium Cepa: The most common remedy for hay fever or allergic Rhinitis with symptoms of a very runny nose and watery eyes with a burning sensation in the nose with profuse sneezing.
  4. Natrum Mur: Homeopathic medicine for allergic cold and cough with symptoms of very itchy nose, eyes, throat, and ears with recurrent sneezing and white thickish mucus from the nose.
  5. Tuberculinum: Best taken if you have a family history of allergies and are experiencing the same.
  6. Sabadilla: Symptoms of violent bouts of sneezing with the upheaval of the abdomen followed by lachrymation (tears), blockage of either of the nostrils causing belaboured breathing, and snoring.

Alongside the Anti-Allergic Medicine In Homeopathy, self-care will make the allergies easier to handle and perhaps even avoid the reaction at times when taking proper precautions like wearing a mask when around dust and smoke, getting investigations to know the allergens you are allergic to, and taking due precautions, deep clean and air your bedding regularly to keep it free from dust mites. And most of all eat proper and healthy to boost your immune system for your body to fortify against and combat the allergens.