Vitreous Hemorrhage, it’s a very panic condition where the patient lost his or her vision.

Homeopathy Medicine For Eye Vision

Vitreous Hemorrhage is the extravasation or leakage, of blood into the areas in and around the vitreous humor of the eye. The vitreous humor is the clear gel that fills the space between the lens and the retina of the eye. A variety of conditions can result in blood leaking into the vitreous humor, which can cause impaired vision, photopsia, and floaters.

Homeopathy Medicine For Eye Vision

What Is The Cause?

Any condition that causes bleeding in your eye can allow blood to leak into the vitreous. Possible causes include:

  • Diabetic retinopathy, which is new, abnormal blood vessels that form in the back of the eyes of people with diabetes. These blood vessels are not strong and can bleed.
  • Injuries from car accidents, sports, falls or being punched or kicked in your eye
    Posterior vitreous detachment, which is a pocket of fluid that develops in the very back of your eye. The gel can pull on the retina, and cause holes or tears and bleeding.
  • Bleeding in the brain
  • Blood vessels in your eyes that become narrow, blocked, or weak
  • Sickle cell disease, which can cause blood clots to form and abnormal blood vessels to grow in the back of your eyes. These blood vessels are not strong and can bleed.

What Are The Symptoms?

Common symptoms of vitreous hemorrhage are :

  • Blurry vision
  • Floaters faint cobweb-like apparitions floating through the field of vision
  • Photophobia, brief flashes of light in the peripheral vision

Homeopathy Medicine For Eye Vision How Is It Diagnosed?

Vitreous hemorrhage is diagnosed by identifying symptoms, examining the eye, and performing tests to identify the cause. Some common tests include:

  • Examination of the eye with a microscope
  • Pupils dilation and examination
  • An ultrasound examination may be used if the doctor does not have a clear view of the back of the eye
    Blood tests to check for specific causes such as diabetes
  • A CT Scan  to check for injury around the eye

Roll of homeopathy treatment?

Treatment depends on the cause
Homeopathy Medicine For Eye Vision helps by absorbing hemorrhage from eye and giving you a better vision.
It’s a non-invasive treatment.
Homeopathy has no side effect, absolutely harmless.

How Can You Prevent Vitreous Hemorrhage?

To help prevent severe eye injuries, wear safety eyewear when you:

  • Do any work around the house that requires hammering, power tools, chemicals, or splatter of any kind
  • Play paintball, racquetball, lacrosse, hockey, and fast-pitch softball
  • Shoot firearms or use explosives of any kind
  • Are in a high-risk area such as a construction site or shooting range

Have regular eye exams, especially if you have a health condition such as diabetes.

If you have diabetes, it is very important to keep good control of your blood sugar, your blood pressure, and cholesterol.