It can be defined as an abnormal biological reaction of the body to sustain any kind of adjustment that is unfathomable to the senses. The response to the physical, mental, emotional, and social adjustment could result in an untoward on the psyche. Doctors reveal that some amount of stress is good, however, if stress levels are high for a long period of time, it could affect the functioning of the body as well as the mind. The changes will be harmful both, physically and mentally.
Causes of stress
- Long working hours and financial difficulties
- Working under life-threatening conditions
- An unsatisfying experience in the job
- The untimely passing of loved ones
Symptoms of stress
- Irritability and moodiness
- Difficulty in calming down yourself
- Feelings of low self-esteem and worthlessness
- Avoiding people in a social setting
- The paranoia of lost control over things
It can be defined as a time period when a person gets too concerned about a particular thing and irrational in the focus of the same. Sportspersons and performers seldom suffer from anxiety, and it is a sign of jitters before a performance and can keep one’s identity rooted to the ground. However, when anxiety crosses a specific level of paranoia and self-doubt, then it is harmful in more ways than one. Those suffering from anxiety have lots of apprehensions, uncertainty, and over-thinking about small things of no value that ruins their daily lives and activities.
Causes of Anxiety
When it comes to causes, there are genetic, sociological, and psychological factors behind anxiety. Some of the common causes include
- Hereditary factors
- Excessive use of drugs
- Chemical imbalance in the body
- Mental trauma from an accident or event
- Avoiding people in a social setting
- The concentration is lower than normal
- Loss in weight
- Feelings of nausea without reason
Homeopathic treatment
The treatment is done by carefully studying the history of the patient individually and giving the medicines accordingly. The homeopathic treatment gives one the following benefits
- Relief in the level of anxiety you are going through
- Safe treatment with negligible side effects
- Avoidance any psychological problems

Depression is a persistent and treatable mood disorder that gives person, melancholic feelings like sadness and hopelessness. Depression is a condition in which an individual will observe irregularities in sleep patterns, food intake, and thought processes. According to the doctors, it is not a weakness, it is a biological change that occurs inside the brain. These biological changes result from the causes like genetic factors, hormonal changes, and sociological factors. When an individual comes under the tentacles of depression, he or she shows symptoms in a variable manner.
Symptoms include
- Lack of focus and concentration
- Overeating and weight gain
- Feelings of guilt and hopelessness
- Recurrence of suicidal thoughts
- Feelings of de motivation
- Lack of enthusiasm
Homeopathy treatment
In homeopathy, the root causes of depression are eliminated first. With the help of homeopathic medicines, the causes like genetic factors and sociological factors are countered. Such is the curative effect of the homeopathic medicines that one rarely goes for other treatment. Moreover, the patients, consuming the medicines have no side effects. The reason is the involvement of natural elements like gold and manganese.

Migraine is a neurological condition, in which there is a periodic occurrence of headaches with a unilateral orientation. Along with the headaches, the patient observes nausea and vomiting. In, migraine, the attacks are repetitive in nature and decreases as the patient gets old. There are two types of migraine in existence, one with aura and the other, without aura. The difference between the two is that informer, the person observes hallucinations and in the latter, there are no hallucinations.
- Inadequate sleep
- Excessive consumption of alcohol
- Stress and irregular intake of food
Most of the causes arise either due to human neglect or genetics.
- Pain in the specific side of the head
- Nausea and vomiting
- Irritation to bright light
- Vulnerable to a strong odour
Homeopathic treatment
On giving a homeopathic touch to the patients of migraine, they feel better and adequate in terms of medication. Homeopathic doctors target the root causes of migraine in the patient’s body and eliminate them with safe medicines. The use of antispasmodics and painkillers is avoided. In homeopathic treatment, the medicines given aim at correcting genetic patterns and psychosomatic pathways in inpatients. The nontoxic nature of medicines makes homeopathic treatment beneficial for migraine patients.

Skin disease
When there is a bacterial or viral attack on the part of the body, it is termed a skin disease. There are different types of skin diseases that a patient experiences. Some of the common skin diseases include fungal infection, skin rashes, scabies, and leprosy. Skin diseases vary from mild to serious. The infections that are mild in nature can be treated with normal medicines, whereas the serious ones require different courses of medical action and even operations.
Causes of skin diseases
Causes of skin infection range from bacterial action to fungal infection. In bacterial action, the bacteria enter the body through a cut on the body and develop a skin infection. On the other hand, in fungal infection, the fungus grows underneath the moist zones in the body like underarms or thighs.
Apart from the aforementioned reason, wearing wet clothes may also amount to skin diseases.
- Red patches on the skin
- Rashes, that are painful and cause itching
- Ulcers
- Rough nature of the skin
Homeopathic treatment
Incorporating a homeopathic treatment has a healing effect on the person’s body. Medicines like apismellifica and urticaurens have a penetrating effect in removing the patches and itchiness from the body. Doctors suggest that undergoing consistent treatment eradicates the ability of bacteria and viruses to stay under the skin for a long time.

When the two lymph nodes, located on the backside of the throat, get infected due to bacterial action, it is termed tonsillitis. These days, even viruses have become the reason for tonsillitis. The occurrence of the disease is more in children and teenagers. This disease is contagious and if one becomes careless in treatment then he may develop some serious complications.
Causes of Tonsillitis
- Low immunity
- The tendency of lymph nodes
- High infections damage tonsils
- Sore throat
- Difficulty in swallowing liquid and solid material
- Sleep patterns get disturbed because of obstruction to air passage
- Low energy and tiredness
Homeopathic Treatment for Tonsillitis
Treating the disease of Homeopathy In Tonsillitis through homeopathy requires consistency in medication. When you undertake the treatment, the doctors increase your immunity first, by asking you to improve dietary habits. Once you get an optimum level of immunity, then doctors suggest homeopathic medicines to reduce the swelling of the tonsils. The medicines, also, reduce the other symptoms of tonsils. This is how one gets rid of the tonsils through a homeopathic effect.

Piles are swollen veins that are located near the anus or the lower part of the rectum. Piles are also called hemorrhoids in biological terminology. There are two types of piles that commonly take place. One is external and the other is internal. External piles occur outside the anus and internal piles exist inside the anus. An individual suffering from this condition undergoes itching, severe pain, and difficulty in sitting.
Causes of piles
- Sedentary lifestyle
- Constipation
- Less muscle mass in the rectal region
Symptoms of piles
- Swelling outside the region of the anus (for external piles)
- Swelling to the formation of lumps in the anal region (for internal piles)
- Pain felt during defecation
Homeopathic treatment
Treating piles with a homeopathic medicine involves gentle curation rather than a complicated one like surgery. Moreover, homeopathic medicines cure the habitual effects of the piles like constipation and genetic tendencies. Homeopathic remedies for piles include the use of Sulphur, Calcarea fluorica, and graphites.

Rheumatoid arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis is a type of autoimmune disease that causes pain in joints and weakens the immune system of the body. Apart from the joint pain, the tissues and the vital organs of the body also come under its grip. Being a chronic disease, it requires consistent treatment over a period of time. If the disease is neglected, it may take a new shape and can result in functional disability and destruction of joints.
According to medical research, it was reported that it is a genetically inherited disease, though, sometimes even the environmental factors are responsible for the disease. Once the disease gets over the person, the immune system is severely affected and requires continuous medication.
In this disease, the person gets signs of inflammation and pain in the joints. The period during which these symptoms occur is known medically as flares or exacerbations. More than pain, they also come across the following signs
- The range of movement of joints get irregular
- Fever
- Redness on the joints
- Inflammation in the lungs
- Round like structures called nodules are formed
- Multiple joints get prone to disease.
To consolidate the presence of disease, various tests are done like, X-ray of joints, complete blood count test, and Ra factor test
Homeopathic treatment
Elimination of the disease with a homeopathic treatment involves the use of natural techniques and medicines. The natural techniques involve giving a rotary exercise to the person. The medicines used are generic in nature and try to remove the causes first and then the effect.

Polycystic ovarian disease, also called PCOD or PCOS is a type of disease in which there is a formation of cysts in the ovaries. The patients undergoing this disease develop abnormal hormonal changes. The changes are masculine characteristics, infertility, and irregularity in menses.
Causes of PCOS
When the androgens in women cross the optimum level, then there is a tendency in women to develop more testosterone. This, in turn, reduces the capacity of ovaries to release an egg.
Increasing levels of the hormones are called prolactin.
The levels of insulin increase in the body and thereby affecting the ovaries by increasing the production of androgen.
Symptoms of PCOS
- Excessive production of androgens in the ovaries
- Inability to produce eggs.
- Masculine characteristics, infertility, and irregularity in menses
- Hormonal imbalance
Homeopathy treatment
Rectifying the causes of PCOS requires homeopathic remedies. The homeopathic medicines eliminate cyst formation and restore the ability of the ovaries to produce eggs. The menstrual cycle gets back to its original form. Moreover, the ability of women to bear pregnancy improves. The homeopathic treatment goes into the root causes and brings back the lost energy in women. The effective medicines include pulsatilla, sepia, and thuja. These medicines have a stimulating effect on the patients.

Hair loss
When the hair on the scalp starts falling abnormally, beyond the normal range, then it is called hair loss. There are many individuals who mistook normal falling of hair as hair loss, but it is not so. When the number of hairs falling per day is in the range of 80-100, then it can be said that a person is suffering from hair loss.
Causes of hair loss
The causes of hair loss are either because of hormonal changes or because of certain medications. The hormonal changes include pregnancy, childbirth, or menopause. Whereas, the other ones include the medications used in treating diseases like cancer and depression. Sometimes, lifting heavy weights could also become a reason for hair loss.
- Thinning of hair on the top portion of the head
- Circular bald spots
- Scaling patches spread over the scalp
Homeopathic treatment
In the homeopathic treatment, the medicines that are provided, ensure eliminating the root cause of the problem. The solution of wax, cream, and other liquid materials help the patient to increase the thickness of the hair. In addition, different types of medicines are provided to remove, the thinness of hair, dandruff, and loss due to medication. The fluoric acid is given to patients so that re-growth of hair takes place in bald spots.

Osteoarthritis is one of the categories in arthritis, in which there is a loss in the covering of the bones and as a result, cartilage degeneration takes place. When the degeneration happens, the protection between the bones gets lost and it creates inflammation in bones.
The disease of osteoarthritis is commonly seen in males, who are more than 50 years of age. The reason is, at this age, the protective cover becomes fragile and is not able to bear the weight of the body. It is known that even the joints of hands, feet, and spine gets affected in osteoarthritis.
The causes of osteoarthritis are predominantly genetic in nature.
- Swelling in joints
- Inability to do squats
- Stiffness in joints
- Excessive pain in joints after continuous use of joints.
- Sometimes, pain develops, even in a rest position
Homeopathic treatment
While going for a homeopathic treatment, it is better to take medicines as early as possible. If the consumption of medicines is delayed, then the degenerative action could make the patient’s condition pathetic. Therefore, curbing the disease in the early stages is advisable. The homeopathic medicines that are referred by doctors are Bryonia alba, caldaria carbonate, and kali carbonium.

Allergy can be defined as the response of the immune system to foreign materials. These foreign materials are called allergens. Allergens include food and pollens. When a body feels a threat from the allergens, the immune system gets activated and attacks them through different responses.
The responses include sneezing, inflammation, or other similar symptoms. The immune system, with the help of these responses, attacks the arrival of foreign materials into the body.
Causes of allergies
Researchers say that allergies are genetic in nature. However, there are some allergies that are non-genetic and are due to some external factors.
- Animal products- It includes waste from dust mite and cockroaches
- Foods- allergies due to nuts, milk, and wheat are common
- Plants- Pollens from trees, weeds, and grass are plant allergens.
- Insect stings- It includes stings from bees, mosquitoes, and wasps.
Symptoms of allergies
Allergies are developed due to several factors. Some of these factors are as follows
- Seasonal allergies: Symptoms include common cold, congestion, runny nose, and swollen eyes. These allergies are developed in the body due to seasonal changes in the environment.
- Food allergies: Symptoms include nausea, vomiting, and skin rashes from specific food products.
- Skin allergies: Symptoms include rashes on the body, redness of the skin, and irritation on the skin.
Homeopathic treatment to allergy
In an Allergic Rhinitis Homeopathic Medicine, the medicines prescribed, aim for boosting the immune system of the patient. Unlike, the conventional treatment, in which, medicines like steroids and antihistamines are used, homeopathy avoids such methods.
Moreover, homeopathy doctors monitor lifestyle habits and medical history before offering medication. The analysis of the patient is done deeply, followed by treatment for regular periods.